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Course Description

Latin 7 is designed to be an introduction to the world of the ancient Romans. The student will learn how the Romans spoke through the reading of their language, how they lived, through the examination of their everyday activities, and what they believed through the study of their myths and religions. The student will be expected to read and translate Latin stories and dialogues, to master the essential grammar points, declensions and conjugations introduced in this course, to memorize a basic Latin vocabulary, and to translate simple English sentence into Latin. The student will also be expected to acquire a basic knowledge of the customs, daily activities, education, recreation, government and religions of the ancient Romans. Also included in the course will be a study of English derivatives from Latin and a comparison of Latin and English grammar.


Knowledge and Skills

  • How to read and translate Latin at a level involving compound and/or complex sentences.

  • How to identify, create, and translate the various forms of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and verbs introduced in Latin 7.

  • How to recognize and translate the different grammatical constructions introduced in Latin 7.

  • How to use contextual hints to achieve an understanding of a passage/story in Latin.

  • How, through the study of Latin grammar, to better understand English grammar rules.

  • How to recognize the difference between an inflected and an uninflected language and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Text and Thematic Units of Study

Cambridge Latin Course, Unit 1, North American 4th edition



This unit introduces the students to an authentic family in ancient Pompeii. It discusses the roles and social status of the parents of a moderately wealthy Pompeian family, as well as other members of the household. This unit also examines typical houses found in Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum.



This unit introduces the daily routine of a typical citizen in the ancient Roman world. Topics discussed in the unit are meals, clothing and the patron/client relationship found between citizens of different social statuses.



This unit gives an overview of the major aspects of the town of Pompeii, most of which later unis will discuss in more detail. Attention is also given to the ways in which Pompeii was typical of many towns in the ancient Roman world.



This unit focuses on the forum in Pompeii, its function as the center of business, religion and politics, and the most important building within it. The unit also discusses fora in other locales in the Roman world and the idea of the forum as an integral part of a Roman city/town.


Student Expectations


  • Be Prompt

  • Be Prepared

  • Be Polite

  • Be Productive



  • Participation/Translation 30%

  • Quizzes 35%

  • Tests  35%

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